fredag 3. januar 2014

A reading of 2014

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Welcome to 2014, my beautiful darlings! I hope you all had a fantastic new years eve, whatever you were doing, and that you're all facing this new year with excitement and positivity. 2014 will be an amazing year, I just know it! And, seeing as I do card readings - one of my goals this year is becoming better at it - I decided to do a massive reading on myself.
I spent a couple of days preparing for it, and on the morning of the 1st of January, I sat down to do the biggest reading I have ever done so far. Because I wanted to make use of everything I can do readings with, I ended up using 6 different types of cards and one set of runes. When I do massive, I really do massive.

The next couple of days was spent going through it all and writing down the meaning of every card and getting an overall view of the readimg. It was a lot to write...
And, for your viewing pleasure, here's the result of my 2014 full year reading:

 (click to enlarge)
-First, an explanation of the cards:
1 - Overall reading on the year as a whole, using the Goddess cards and a rune.
2 - Love, represented by a heart
3 - Money, represented by a coin
4 - Social life, represented by a lego flower (lol, dad's idea)
5 - Home and Family, represented by a Monopoly house
6 - Self, represented by a key (my facourite thing)
A row - The W.I.T.C.H. cards, used only for fun. They weren't meant seriously, so I just put them in there to be a "tip" to keep in mind.
B row - The beginning of the year, from January to April. I used the Shaman Wisdom Cards as well as my ordinary deck of cards (the one I usually use for readings) for the beginning, middle and end of the year readings.
C row - The middle of the year, from May to August.
D row - The end of the year, from September to December.
E row - Overall view of the specific subject in question, using the Tarot and runes.
7 - The elements, represented by the Wolf Song cards. Cause I like elements.

Reading the Year 2014

Overall - The Oracle of the Goddess / Runes

~Amaterasu Omikami
Your inner sun constantly shines. It is the light of your soul and the joy of your heart. It always guides you and helps you to see yourself. Although your light can shine eternally, your life in this world is plauged by dark times, too. So, collect your powers and do not waste them any longer in unnecessary struggles.
It is wiser not to oppose unconscious forces and to exhaust oneself, but to preserve one's powers instead. There are moments in life when you have to retire to let things take their course. It is very wise not to interfere and not to act right on the spot. Inner peace and serenity will show you the way now.
Learn to be still and enjoy your retreat from the world. For you too, the moment will come when you step out to the front and shine. Believe in yourself and your own being. And your life will flow in new lines and you will feel rich and fulfilled within. Your inner light is what nobody can take away from you. Let it flow freely. Because only your own inner light can light up your way and your life and reveal to you the source of your true power.

~Blank Rune
The blank rune speaks of destiny and truth. Follow the card it followed without question, it is your fated path this year!

The beginning of the Year: January - April

Shaman Wisdom Cards / Deck of Cards

LOVE - Sex, Relationships, Feelings, Flirting
A small tip to remember about love - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr16 Marmot
Laziness, Voracity, Bashfulness. The sleeper receives no food.

~nr7 Hunting Moon
Libra, Basket, Adult. I am hunting Moon. I am the preparation for the coming winter. I am here to remind you to prepare your house and put it in order. You must be mindful of relationships, be they partnerships, contracts, unions, or marriages. Things are not what they appear to be. There are times in relationships that it is best not to say anything, but to hear what is being said. Listen closely. Now is the time to consider your artistic side and create something of beauty and give it away. I provide strength for your hunt, your quest.
~8 of Diamonds
Eternal power and strength. Richess. In relation to the Hunting moon, it promises everlasting strength for the quest within love. Be wary and careful, focus on the art, and you will remain strong. The time is not yet right to enter a relationship.

MONEY - Job, Financial situation, Income, Fortune, Material wealth
A small tip to remember about money - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr6 the Virgin
Precision, Rationality, Introversion. Only if one is alone can the veil of confusion fall.

~nr32 Corn
Feminine, North, Venus, Earth. I am Corn. I am the Blessed Blue Corn offering. I am the structure of your life. Combined with Beans and Squash, we are the life force. I will protect you through the winter of hard times. Success is yours through your hard work which prepares you for every opportunity and possibility. In these changing times, I am an essential requirement of life that sustains you. I am abundance and energy.
~6 of Spades
Unknown richess. Hidden or unforseen material wealth. In relation to the Corn, it promises unexpected money if you work hard for it, so now's the time to put in that extra effort. Be prepared for anything, and you will rewarded accordingly.

SOCIAL LIFE - Friends, Partying
A small tip to remember about social life - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr13 Kandrakar's Heart
Luck, Energy, Entusiasm. The time has come to give everything.

~nr43 Ash
Masculine, East, Sun, Fire. I am Ash. I am peace of mind through protection. I am the powerful wood in the bows of the Warriors, to help you overcome mental barriers and obstructions so that you may subdue enemies without and within. Good health and recovery from illness is the power of the Ash. I am the stem of the Sacred Pipe that offers prayers and connects you to the Great Mystery. From the flexibility of my wood learn to bend if the need arises. I am prosperity.
~7 of Hearts
Powerful love. The strength of love. In relations to the Ash, the card talks about a powerful love that will reveal itself if you are flexible and open for overcoming your barriers. The Ash will bring better health, and if you remain social you will stay on the right path.

HOME - Family, House, Relatives, Relations
A small tip to remember about home and family - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr4 Cancer
Sensitivity, Family, Change. Face the ghosts, and you'll see that they'll disappear.

~nr13 Eagle
East, Masculine, Air. I am Eagle. I am power. If I have flown into your array today, I am here to help you see the big picture...and the minute details! I am your third eye vision. I give you courage and focus. Let me share with you my abilities to help you achieve your highest aspirations. Nothing stops me.
As I climb close to the Sun and Great Spirit, I see all below me with wide perspective and acute clarity. I see the whole and the detail - my third eye insight gives me inner vision, spiritual power. My innate dance of connection to Spirit helps me conquer fear with courage and daring, it energizes and focuses me. I now understand more acutely, convergent and divergent thinking...I see the whole picture while bringing on idea into line. I act on it with courage and daring, reaching successful conclusions.
I am free, I am freedom. I feel my wide wing span carry me, hold me. I have abilities to help you accomplish it all.
~Ace of Clubs
Child. Son. Your own physical body. In relation to the Eagle, the card wants you to see the whole picture regarding your physical self. Are you planning children? The Eagle helps you get clarity on the matter, and focus more on your health and building your nest to prepare for the arrival of a child.

SELF - Soul, Inner world, Body, Inner self
A small tip to remember about your inner self - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr24 Cat
Elegance, Freedom, Sensitivity. Learn to act, but also to wait.

~nr29 Mint
Masculine, East, Mercury, Air. I am mint. I am your breath of fresh air. My fragrance stimulates and intensifies your sensual nature. My powerful bouquet purifies thought and soothes the nerves. Your energies are enhanced and your creative strengths increased by the correct use of my properties. I will protect your path and your resources. I am purification to your entire being. I am your energy. I am your strength.
~Queen of Diamonds
Powerful medium. In relation to the Mint, the card tells you to focus on your inner strength and energies, and on becoming a medium between your inner world and the outer world. Be creative, make use of your resources, and the Mint will help you become purified. You will find your true power within, as a medium of great strength.
~Extra card: 10 of Hearts
Source of Love. In relation to the Mint and the Queen of Diamonds, this extra card that fell out wants you to always keep your loving heart. Inside you is a source of powerful love, and this love is the strength that will help you become the medium you need to be. Trust in the love within you, trust in your strength, and you will find the right path.

The middle of the Year: May - August

Shaman Wisdom Cards / Deck of Cards

LOVE - Sex, Relationships, Feelings, Flirting
A small tip to remember about love - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr16 Marmot
Laziness, Voracity, Bashfulness. The sleeper receives no food.

~nr34 Squash
Feminine, West, Earth, Water. I am Squash. I am Gourd. I grow well unattended. Let things be. Do not try to control situations or events. My vines spread out to encompass all. I help you create your abundance through my diversity. I am the Sustenance of your life. Combined with Beans and Corn, we are the life force.
~5 of Diamonds
Unified power. Strength through working together. In relation to the Squash, it tells you to bring together the Bean and the Corn to gain strength. But let things happen as they do, and don't force anything. Trust what fate brings regarding love.

MONEY - Job, Financial situation, Income, Fortune, Material wealth
A small tip to remember about money - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr6 the Virgin
Precision, Rationality, Introversion. Only if one is alone can the veil of confusion fall.

~nr39 Birch
Feminine, East, Venus, Water. I am Birch. I am growth in understanding the inner self, others, the world, and all our relations. Allow me to provide awareness that removes restrictions and permits you to proceed. My healing and purifying properties clean out and provide for new beginnings, fresh starts. My bark is used to make practical items and is burned in the sweat lodge to cleanse the body and the spirit. I am protection.
~3 of Clubs
Daughter. Sister. The Female body. Subconscious relations. In relation to the Birch, it says that wealth might come from being aware of your feminine self, your daughters and your sisters. Focus on these relations, cleanse yourself, and be ready for new beginnings, and maybe a new income.

SOCIAL LIFE - Friends, Partying
A small tip to remember about social life - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr13 Kandrakar's Heart
Luck, Energy, Entusiasm. The time has come to give everything.

~nr44 Basswood
Feminine, West, Saturn, Earth. I am Basswood. I am the False Face mask of the Iroquois tobacco ceremony. When you put on the mask, you lose your identity and become whatever the mask represents. You are no longer the person, you are the spirit. The mask also signifies that you might be escaping reality and hiding from the truth. Remove that mask and come face to face with your life. I am the tree spirit, I am protection.
~4 of Hearts
The cornerstones of love. The basic needs of love and relationships. In relation to the Basswood, the card wants you to stop hiding behind your masks and remove the distance between yourself and your social life. Show your friends who you truly are, and set down the foundation of how you want love to be, and you'll find the truth you've been seeking.

HOME - Family, House, Relatives, Relations
A small tip to remember about home and family - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr4 Cancer
Sensitivity, Family, Change. Face the ghosts, and you'll see that they'll disappear.

~nr36 Nettle
Masculine, West, Mars, Fire. I am Nettle. I am purification. If properly handled, I offer strength and healing. I take the sting out of the problems of the heart. I am the tonic that keeps the flow of emotions in check. Protect yourself with the fire of the Nettle. Injury may result from problems or issues that are not properly handled.
~Ace of Hearts
The one, true love. In relation to the Nettle, the cards warn you that your love can cause problems within your family if the issue is not handled in the right way. The Nettle will help you in the matter, and keep you strong, if you handle it properly. Don't get too emotional, but let the fire of the Nettle protect you.

SELF - Soul, Inner world, Body, Inner self
A small tip to remember about your inner self - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr24 Cat
Elegance, Freedom, Sensitivity. Learn to act, but also to wait.

~nr63 Earth
Feminine, Earth. I am the Earth. I am Mother, I am Grandmother. It is from me that all life comes forth. I am the Great Turtle. Ground yourself through me. Learn from me the protective instinct of care and nurturing, the formation, the formulation, gestation and development. Through me you can see the beauty and gentleness in all that exists. I am the foundation, the very beginning. It is within me that the Shaman journeys for knowledge and wisdom, the timeless flight of ecstasy. I am the Lower World, I am the fifth direction. I am ancestor. I am the root. I am the female, the magnetic, the yin, the left side.
~3 of Spades
The unknown. Hidden things. The subconscious. In relation to the Earth, the card tells you to look deep within yourself, to seek the unknown, and you will receive the knowledge and wisdom you need. Reach into your subconscious, cause in there you'll find the roots you did not even know that you had, and a hidden strength will be revealed.

The end of the Year: September - December

Shaman Wisdom Cards / Deck of Cards

LOVE - Sex, Relationships, Feelings, Flirting
A small tip to remember about love - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr16 Marmot
Laziness, Voracity, Bashfulness. The sleeper receives no food.

~nr41 Oak
Masculine, North, Sun, Fire. I am the mighty Oak. I am strength. I am longevity. My powerful presence increases confidence and magnifies opportunities. You are in the right place at the right time. Within my shadow you will feel secure and protected. My vitality and productivity are yours. The magic within the acorn nourishes relationships. Through my ancient energies and powers you are healed and enriched. I am the Courages Warrior of the Boreal Forests.
~7 of Clubs
The power of family. Physical strength. In relation to the Oak, it promises a stronger health and better family ties. This is the right time, and a relationship will strengthen. All quarrels with the family will be resolved, and you are free to nurture your love and your relationship.

MONEY - Job, Financial situation, Income, Fortune, Material wealth
A small tip to remember about money - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr6 the Virgin
Precision, Rationality, Introversion. Only if one is alone can the veil of confusion fall.

~nr16 Owl
North, Feminine, Air. I am Owl. I am clarity of intuition and wisdom. My keen hearing and crystalline vision gives me insight where others miss the picture. I am feared for my ability to "see in the dark". I discern truth from fiction with my watchful, silent observation of my domain. Wisely sitting on the fence post, on my brother's shoulder, or in the top of my favourite pine, I see and hear all. I stealthily and silently zero in on my desires and dreams. Nothing is hidden from me.
I am clarity of vision and wisdom. As I silently float onto your shoulder, I am telling you to keep a watchful eye open at all times. There are those who wish you didn't see beneath the surface of their realities. Protect yourself or others will take advantage of you. You are naturally discerning and intuitive. Continue to listen and observe so you won't miss the subtle messages contained in my message. Remember, even in the darkness, you see what others cannot. Once the view is unobstructed, aim for the heart, the center - silently go after your desires and dreams. Along your way, you will encounter people who are apprehensive around you because of your psychic abilities and intuition. Stick to your truth.
~The Black Joker.
Sudden and unexpected change. Necessary changes. In relation to the Owl, the card tells you that your financial situation will suddenly change unexpectedly. Others may seek to take advantage of this, but stay true to yourself, trust in your strength and your abilities, and you'll be able to tell truth from lies. You are the joker, the psychic, the medium, and this will bring you great fortune.

SOCIAL LIFE - Friends, Partying
A small tip to remember about social life - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr13 Kandrakar's Heart
Luck, Energy, Entusiasm. The time has come to give everything.

~nr45 Aspen
Masculine, East, Mercury, Air. I am Aspen. I am the nurse tree. It is the time for nurturing the inner child. It is in my shade that evergreens grow back after fires and other natural disasters. Shaded by my protective foliage, I keep you safe from the known and the unknown. I am always there to help and assist you on your pathworking journey. I guard your mental well-being and resources. Eloquence and elegance are yours, use them to your advantage by being different. I am loyalty and harmony. You can depend on me; you can count on yourself.
~4 of Spades
Hidden or unknown cornerstones. In relation to the Aspen, the card tells you that you will discover new things regarding yourself and your relations to others. You will find new and strong cornerstones to build your foundation on, and the Aspen will keep you guarded as you start building. Be yourself. Be different. Trust in yourself. The true friends will stay by your side, and the false ones disappear.

HOME - Family, House, Relatives, Relations
A small tip to remember about home and family - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr4 Cancer
Sensitivity, Family, Change. Face the ghosts, and you'll see that they'll disappear.

~nr25 Calamus
Feminine, South, Moon, Water. I am Calamus. I am the clear voice that speaks the truth. I am the clear vision that sees reality. Use my powers to clear the issue, to discern the truth. I also relieve thirst and alleviate hunger. I offer protection by strengthening and healing within. I am strong and powerful. Good fortune is indicated when I am on your path. Abundance is in the truth; use me to see that truth, use me to speak that truth. Seek the Root of the Matter, which will help you understand the foundation of the issue. I am one of the most powerful and useful plants. Use me with caution. Use me with respect and I will let you see the unknown.
~3 of Diamonds
Inner strength. Subconscious powers. In relation to the Calamus, the card tells you to look within for the strength you need to see the truth of things. There may be issues in regarding home and family, but the Calamus will help you see clearly if you use it respectfully. Good things are coming, as long as you trust in the Calamus and your inner strength.

SELF - Soul, Inner world, Body, Inner self
A small tip to remember about your inner self - W.I.T.C.H. ~nr24 Cat
Elegance, Freedom, Sensitivity. Learn to act, but also to wait.

~nr8 Falling Leaf Moon
Scorpio, Baskets, Adult. I am the Moon of Falling Leaves. It is a time of apparent death and transformation. For without letting go of the old, you cannot take on the new. My wisdom leads you to ultimate understanding of nature and the universe. That which has been a smoky mystery to you will become clear. Learn what I have to teach and pass it on to future generations. Your passionate nature will be amplified at this time and deep relationships will follow. Be flexible and go with your intuitions, trust your feelings. I am the present, the past, and the future.
~The Red Joker
Positive Change. In relation to the Falling Leaf Moon, the card speaks of changes within yourself, good changes, and transformation. Now's the time to let go of things that has been, and focus on the new and the positive. You've gained the wisdom you need by looking into yourself, and now you can put that wisdom to good use. Follow your own feelings and instincts, and turn your face towards love and all that it brings. Now's the time.


An Overall look on Love in 2014 - Tarot / Runes

~XXI the World
Perfection, full result, reward. The end of a cycle. Triumph, success and gain. A task has been completed and the goal has been reached. You've finally accomplished something you've been working on, and now you're done and ready for new things. This year has been a journey through yourself and your feelings, and now you've finally reached the point where you're ready for love and happiness. You will find your chosen one, and your happy ending.
~X Gifu, Gebo
Gift, offering, relationship, love, marriage, partnership, generosity, unexpected good fortune. Gebo is a rune of connection, particularly the connections between people. Up until now, our journey has been a solitary one. This rune represents those places where our path intersects with others, and allows us to begin to form conscious relationships. Such relationships are strengthened and sanctified by the exchange of gifts.
Magical Uses: to find or strengthen a relationship, for fertility, to mark a gift or offering, to bring luck

Gifu and the World together tells you that 2014 is a good year for love. Be cautious at the beginning of the year, even if you meet someone, cause things aren't as they seem and jumping into things too soon will cause problems, especially within the family. Focus on your home, your art, and yourself first and foremost, and listen to everything around you. Take the time to create something, a gift, and nurture your abilities, cause the time is not yet right for a relationship.
As you reach the middle of the year, things will start to roll and happen on their own, and the best course of action is none. Stay your hand and let things go as they go, and you'll be led down the right path. Focus on the money situation from the beginning of the year, and continue your work there, and all will be well. Fate will make sure to bring the love you need your way when you need it. Have faith and trust in your destiny!
Towards the end of the year, the time is right to establish relationships and go forward to new beginnings. You'll be able to solve any family issues that may have occured this year, and your health will improve. This will allow you to focus on nurturing your love and your newfound partner. You've finally reached the end of the quest, and gained your reward; your one, true love.

An Overall look on the Financial Situation in 2014 - Tarot / Runes

~VI the Lovers
Trial, exam, choice in emotional matters, need for a decision. Choice and love. You stand before a difficult choice between two very different things, and have to carefully weigh the choice before making it. Trial and difficulties. If you're unsure whether to invest your money in something or not, take your time to properly think before making the final choice.
~F fe, feho
Prosperity, money, wealth, concern with physical and financial needs, goals, promotion, self-esteem, centeredness, karma. Fehu is both the day-to-day reality of our lives and the catalyst that awakens us to what lies beyond. It is whatever we think we are seeking, which frequently bears no resemblance to what we will eventually find. It is also our home, for after all our wanderings we will still need to attend to our physical needs and ground ourselves in the simple pleasures of home, family, and good work. Oz might be a fun place to visit, but after a while all you really want to do is go back to Kansas.
Fehu reminds us that we must be secure in our physical situation before embarking upon any spiritual journey. We all must begin with the mundane reality of our lives, although many people never get beyond this. In many ways, we have become as domesticated as the cattle, living our day to day existence without wanting or even being aware of anything more being possible. The first step in breaking away from this situation is to catch a glimpse of what is possible, without dwelling on what security we may lose to attain it.
Magical Uses: for money, business, promotion, finding a job, achieving a goal, starting new enterprises

Fe and the Lovers together tells you that there is money to be gained this year, though you will have to work for it. Difficult choices must be made, but it is important that you focus on your daily needs above anything. Take control of your money and make sure your budget is a good one that prepares for anything. At the beginning of the year you'll have to work extra hard, but this will reward you with unexpected money.
Towards the middle of the year, it's important to focus on your inner self, cause the world within you will be of great help. You'll be ready for something new and fresh, if you focus on your feminine side and your female relations - mothers, sisters, daughters - and this could bring a new income in to your life. It is a time of change!
As you reach the end of the year, these changes will come rather sudden and unexpected. You'll discover something new, unseen by others, and this will help you gain money. People might try to take advantage of you because of this new change, but be true to yourself and listen to your instincts, and you will be fine. You've got strong psychic abilities and a good intuition, and it will help you pick out the true people among the false ones. You may have to choose between your "friends" and financial situation, but if you trust yourself you'll make the right choice, and money will come your way.

An Overall look on your Social Life in 2014 - Tarot / Runes

~XVII the Star
Faith, hope, favourable Omen. Inspiration and guidance. A time of peace and order after war and chaos, promising light after a time of darkness. Do not lose hope, cause good things are coming, and it is time for a new start. You'll gain new friends, and your social life will prosper and become one that you enjoy.
~U ur, uruz
Energy, passion, vitality, instinct, wildness, sexuality, fertility, the unconscious, primitive mind, irrationality, shamanic experience, rite of passage. Uruz is the rune of the God of the sacred hunt and his shaman/priest. Following the kind of mundane, day to day survival represented by fehu, it is the first recognition by mankind of the divine in nature, and his first attempt to control it through the use of sympathetic magic. It also represents an awareness of death and our own mortality, which may well be the only thing which truly distinguishes us from other animals. The energy of this rune is raw, powerful, and distinctly masculine, in the sense that it is pure, elemental fire. The boy who has killed the aurochs has just entered manhood, and has therefore been initiated into the first level of the mysteries - the awareness that the source of life is death.
Magical Uses: to strengthen the will, increase sexual potency and energy; for hunting

Ur and the Star together speaks of a new beginning in your social life. You've reached the place where you need to be, and you are now considered an "adult". At the beginning of the year, it is important that you remain flexible and open, because it will help you get a new outlook on love. It is a good time for social relations, and new friends will bring new aspects to your life, and a new potential partner.
As you reach the middle of the year, it is time to let your newfound, as well as old, friends, see who you truly are, and set the groundrules for what you want out of friendship, and love. This will help you see the truth of things, and you will discover something you did not know.
As the year nears the end, you'll start to see people for who they truly are, and you'll make more discoveries. True friends will reveal themselves, and at the same time you will see who are being false friends, and you'll gain new bricks to build the foundation of your social life on. Trust in yourself, dare to be different, and you'll find the light you've been searching for.

An Overall look on Home and Family in 2014 - Tarot / Runes

~VIII Justice
Balance, Fairness, Justice. Respect of natural law. Wise and impartial choices. Take a moment to get some distance between you and the matter, to see all sides of it, and you'll be able to judge it fairly. It may not be wise, this year, to take sides in the matters of home and family, but rather take distance to see the truth of things.
~T tyr, teiwaz
Duty, discipline, responsibility, self-sacrifice, conflict, strength, a wound, physicality, the warrior path. Tyr's sacrifice of his hand to allow the binding of the Fenris Wolf was a noble one, and notable in a pantheon of deities not known for their sense of duty and ethical responsibility. He is believed to be one of the oldest of the Norse Gods - a Bronze-age rock carving was found in Scandinavia depicting a one-handed warrior - and his position may well have originally superseded that of Odin. Tyr's rune is also one of the oldest in the fuþark, having survived virtually unchanged from the earliest Bronze-age carvings. It represents all those qualities associated with the God: strength, heroism, duty and responsibility. But it also represents a deeper mystery - that of the wounded God. Like þurisaz, the pain of teiwaz focuses the attention and forces discipline. However, in this case the effect is more conscious and the wound carries a greater significance. Uruz has been confronted and bound, and the lessons of teiwaz and hagalaz have been learned. This is the path of the warrior.
Magical Uses: protection, victory, strength, strengthening the will, healing a wound

Tyr and Justice together tells you to stay strong and impartial this year, regarding matters of home and family. If you stay fair, seeing matters from all sides, you will be victorious and keep control of things. At the beginning of the year, focus your efforts on your home, your nest, more than anything, cause you might need to prepare for the arrival of a child. If you're planning renovations, or buying a new home, this would be the right time for it. In matters of family, keep your distance and try to see the big picture before judging.
As you reach the middle of the year, love might cause some trouble in matters regarding your family. Maybe someone in your family won't approve of your newfound love? Take care not to get too emotional, but rather stay calm and try to see things from their side as well. If handled the right way, there won't be any problems at all.
By the end of the year you'll see the truth of things. The problems that may have occured in the middle of the year will be solved, cause seeking within you'll find the strength you need to see the real issues and seek out the root of the problems. You'll find clarity, and by continuing seeing things from all sides, you'll find peace and good fortune. Stay honest and fair, and be respectful!

An Overall look on your Inner Self in 2014 - Tarot / Runes

~XIV Temperance
Moderation, Harmony, Recovery, Adaption. Sharing one's feelings and not surpressing them. Find harmony within yourself, take your time to recover from past injuries, and adapt to the future ahead of you. After death, one needs time to heal the wounds within oneself. This year is a time of meditation, and listening to your inner voice to find the right path in life. You will find the guidance you seek within yourself, so have patience and you will gain the balance you've been needing.
~H hagl, hail
Sudden loss, ordeal, destruction, disaster, clearance, testing, karmic lesson, drastic change. The idea of the destruction of the old being necessary to the growth of the new, as contained in the Norse myth of Ragnarok, is essential to our understanding of this rune. Interestingly enough, hagalaz lies between kenaz (fire) and isa (ice), reminding us of the Norse creation myth and the creative potential that lies between these two opposites, even though their meeting may seem at first to be destructive. Like the Tower in the Tarot, hagalaz is only a negative rune if we choose to view it in that way, and refuse to learn its lessons. Appearing as it does at the beginning of the second aett, it marks both a beginning and an end, and knocks us out of the safety and complacency of wunjo. It represents what a friend of mine used to refer to as the 'flying ladle syndrome' - that whenever things appear to be going too well, you can expect a good, healthy whack in the head from the Fates, just to make sure you're paying attention.
These sorts of 'wake-up calls' from the Gods will happen frequently throughout a person's life, but are often misinterpreted as divine punishment for some imagined wrong when in fact they are merely a way of drawing your attention to a recurrent pattern in your life. Unfortunately, these types of events have a tendency to repeat themselves with greater and greater severity until the lesson is learned and the pattern is broken. For example, someone who needs to break their dependency on a certain type of person will find themselves in relationships with such people over and over again with more and more disastrous results until they recognize the pattern as emanating from themselves and break it willingly.
Magical Uses: removing unwanted influences, breaking destructive patterns

Hagl and Temperance together tells you to take the time you need to seek within yourself. You are stil recovering from the injuries you gained in the past, and need more time for meditation. In the beginning of the year, it is highly important that you focus on yourself and your inner world. Nurture your abilities. You are psychic and creative, and now's the time to focus on that. Be the medium your true self is! But also make sure you focus on the love inside you. There is more there than you are aware of. Seek within to find the source of your love and your strength.
As you reach the middle of the year, it will become clear to you that there are things hidden inside you that you were never aware of. The source of your love, your strength, and you true roots, it will be found within you. You are the mother, the creator from which all life comes from, and it is time you nurture your creations. Bring out your inner world, see the beauty of it, and use your newly gained knowledge and wisdom to continue building on it.
At the end of the year, you will find yourself ready for a massive transformation. It is a very big and important change, and it will be very positive. What you've learned from focusing on your inner world and yourself will help you reach new heights. You will gain a new understanding of everything, of nature and the universe, and our very existence, and it will change you for the better. You will be ready for new beginnings, a better financial situation, a stable home and good family ties, newfound friends, and a new love. This is YOUR time!

The Elements - Wolf Song Cards

FIRE - Feelings, Emotions
Procrastination, Avoidance, Reluctance. In Ocelot, man finds one of the most beautiful creations of the Universe, not only in face and body, but also intelligence and spirit. He is adaptable and cunning, using all of his talents to make his way through life. Ocelot uses all of his skills (physical, mental and psychic) to live life his own way. Ocelot learns from experience, and he is reserved and wary. He will tell you, if you will only listen, that those who may seem trustworthy often are not. Further, he cautions, those who think themselves moral and preach morality are often the least ethical. Ocelot knows each of them for who they are, and he avoids them. Further, he teaches his young to live quitely, but well away from prying eyes and those who would exploit them.
However, Ocelot is not a hermit eschewing all companionship. A soul loyal and true, Ocelot loves not easily, but deeply. Once he has made a friend, he cherishes the friendship. However, Ocelot is reluctant to plunge into a new adventure or to confront an old problem. Ask yourself "why?" Ocelot takes his time rather than taking the risk of being someone's trophy. Ocelot counsels us to listen to our instincts, to understand the basis of evasion. From him, we learn the difference between the distasteful and the dangerous.
There are times when procrastination may have some redeeming value. Precisely whose priority is the task at hand, anyway? Stand before yourself as judge, and ask yourself whether or not you are procrastinating because you are reluctant and fearful, or because you have other pressing concerns of your own. If you are reluctant and fearful, then Ocelot has come to tell you to plunge out of the brush, and run along the path. If you have other concerns, then Ocelot has appeared to tell you to slip quietly into the woods, and to stop letting others run your life.
Regarding your feelings, Ocelot is telling you to be careful and wary. Trust in your experience, and your instincts, and do not jump into things. Take your time, and you will find the right path.

EARTH - Body, Physical self, Health
Self-sufficiency, Secrecy, Holds own counsel. Bobcat is the epitome of individualism. He goes about his own business, and takes care of what needs doing. He will tackle projects and problems that are not only larger than he is, but larger than life itself, and succeed with aplomb. Bobcat is the very image of the self-sufficient, decisive soul.
However, such a solo induvidual is not a builder of communities and fellowship. He does not need others to stimulate his intellectual curiosity, to keep him company, or to help him in his given career. He tends to prefer working in an area where he is in control and usually working alone. His family life often appears to be dysfunctional, but in reality, it works very nicely as long as his mate's personality matches his. Bobcat children are keepers of secrets, highly ethical, and good problem solvers. As a child or an adult, Bobcat can be obsessive about any subject that interests him, and stubbornly disinterest concerning anything else. He often becomes expert in his own field of endevour, and is unperturbed by his ignorance of other areas.
Bobcat as a mother is a fierce protector of her children, even refusing to let their father help until they are older. Bobcat fathers provide what their young need, and help teach them to be independent. Bobcats often have trouble with close relationships since their solitary nature results in a behaviour that is often misunderstood as rejection. Bobcat wants his time alone, and the subject is not open to discussion, not even with his mate. His love can be earned by someone self-sufficient as he, but it can be lost if there is too much talk about "getting in touch with feelings and then sharing them." Bobcat is in touch with his feelings and if he wants to share them, he will do so without anyone's prompting. Mostly, he wants his privacy and to walk his path undisturbed by annoying chatter.
Tell a secret to a Bobcat, and he will carry it to his grave. Ask his advice, and he will tell you to figure out your own problems because you have to live with the consequences. He will, however, direct you to the information you need to solve the problem.
Bobcat tells of a time to be self-sufficient. Secrecy and holding one's own counsel are advisable at this juncture; do not betray confidences. Others are not entitled to everything you know, think, or feel. Learn to hold your tongue, observe and learn. Remember, too, self-sufficiency is not the same as selfishness; do not confuse the two. You must learn to rely on yourself, not lean on others, for they have their own lives to attend. You must become expert in your own affairs, your own business. A lively interest in everything, but lack of expertise in anything is the life of an underachiever. Bobcat reminds you that you must survive, and that you cannot depend on others for your survival. You have talents, develop them. Choose what interests you, not someone else. Worry less about what others do and what they say. Do not trouble yourself over the opinions of others unless they have something useful to say. Do what you do, do it well and do it with pride. Bobcat tells you the only real accomplishment in life is what you do yourself. There is nothing wrong or sinful about honest pride.
Regarding your body, Bobcat is telling you to not listen to what anyone else says about your physical health and appearance. You know best. Your body is your body, so no one but you is entitled to say what should be done with it. There's no need to counsel with anyone else regarding your health. You already know what to do.

WATER - Soul, True self
~Black Bear
Introspection, Self-analysis. Black Bear is reserved, even shy, but friendly. He will never hurt anyone purposely, but he will lash out if he is frightened or mightily provoked. Physically, he will do no harm unless his life or the lives of his family are in peril. He is a good mate and a loving, protective parent.
You will find Black Bear in places of tranquility. He eschews environments where the pace is frantic and the stress is high. Though he avoids crowds, he is not always a recluse, and he will, sometimes, entertain a select few. He is very charming when he consents to socialize, and he is very amusing. Black Bear is more popular than he is interested in being, and after too short a time for his admirers, he disappears into his beloved solitude.
Black Bear's lessons are not a recommandation to act the hermit. Rather, he tells of the need to find places of quietude. Only in such places may you learn the arts Black Bear has mastered: introspection and self analysis. Black Bear tells us that only these two gfts to ourselves will let us experience, even recognize the additional and wonderful gifts of great love, the enjoyement of having fun, and the joy of life. Further, they will help us accept that while we may not be able to understand hate, we can reject it without any need for explanation. Remember, Black Bear urges, there are things that the introspective soul will understand that the person who has not experienced such self-analysis cannot. How to explain something that cannot be comprehended without experience? The answer is, Black Bear assures, to not explain. Simply enjoy life, and reject hate.
Wander the dense forest of experience not as an ascetic, but as a traveler who knows the truth is in his own soul. Follow Black Bear's counsel, stand back from your ego, and ask what everyone's motives (including your own) really are. Self-analysis is only useful when it is trie, not merely self-reassurance or farce of introspection. Black Bear cherishes the uniqueness of each soul, he recognizes the talents of each clan member as important to both the group and the individual. Change your attitudes, be more generous and more circumspect.
The appearance of Black Bear signifies a desire for introspection and self-analysis. Stop and listen to yourself, do not fear the words of your soul. Leave the frenzy for a while so you can hear. Black Bear cautions, howver, that you must not become so enamored of the process that you forget to forge ahead and achieve. Introspection is not an excuse for immobility. Rather, it and self-analysis are part of the preparation needed for forward motion. Face change and live life to the fullest.
Regarding your soul, Black Bear tells you to look into yourself. This is a time to look inwards, to listen to your soul, and to find your true self and true purpose in life. The answers can all be found within.

AIR - Mind, Thoughts, Creativity
~Wood Duck
Patience, Harmony with environment. Regal and calm, the Wood Duck is the symbol of patience and harmony with its surroundings. Serenely swimming in waters not always calm, the Wood Duck retains its dignity as it works to make progress without causing damage. The male Wood Duck is a warrior, its regalia of beautiful feathers blending in with the environment or bursting out at intruders to defend the family hunting grounds. The female, more subtle but still lovely in her softer dappled colour, lays her eggs in the cavities of trees and cares for the young while her mate provides food. When it is time for the little ones to learn the lessons of life, their parents escort them to the pond, their classroom. Wood Duck patiently teaches his young how to live in harmony with others and with their surroundings. His efforts will ensure their comfortable survival and the comfortable survivial of their young.
Wood Duck moves in small, close circles, not large communities. He is skilled at finding what he and his family need to live prosperously, and he seldom strays far from his ancestral home. He adapts to his environment rather than trying to change it, but he will modify his territory to suit the family needs. Wood Duck is master of recycling when it comes to living space, he will find an old home and turn it into a fine nest. He is a master of negotiating obstacles with ease; his spirit is such that he will not waste his energies or resources on hopeless battles with large trees.
This symbol indicates the need for cultivating patience, and working with your environment, not against it. It tells you of the need for knowing when to be in the background, and when to burst forth, ready to do battle. Wood Duck is a sensible creature, not shy, but not interested in glory. He accepts change as inevitable, and adapts to it as needed.
Regarding your own mind and thoughts, Wood Duck tells you to stop working against it. Find harmony within your own mind, and make use of the creativity it holds. Take what you already have built, and make it into something even better.

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